A course with direct applicability for effective communication with clients and professional partners as well as for development of competencies regarding giving and receiving all relevant information and including all involved parties in the communication flow. The course highlights confirmed appro
More details »The program aims to acquire basic concepts and techniques for exploring the Windows 10 operating system, the practical use of WORD application from Microsoft Office, as well as getting started with the complex cloud computing, productivity and collaboration Google's suite of apps, G Suite, which let
More details »Conţinutul cuprinde transfer de cunoştinţe aplicabile în mod concret şi imediat, material video demonstrativ, statistici relevante pentru activitatea de vânzări şi exerciţii practice însoţite de instrumente de lucru spre utilizare ulterioară. Programul vizează formarea p
More details »Addressing difficult situations with colleagues or customers of the company, changes our work results, productivity, company image, positioning, but above all our own culture and the way we feel as employees. Clients, colleagues and difficult situations are not an obstacle, but an opportunity. The
More details »Pregătire profesională continuă a constatatorilor de daune din domeniul asigurărilor Un program practic de 3 ore, desfasurat online, în urma căruia participanții vor afla și vor pune în aplicare abilități de comunicare eficienta. Abordarea seminarului este una de învăța
More details »The course is interactive and offers the perfect balance between theory and practice; with immediate applicability on daily professional activities. This training aims to give to the participants all the basic means and tools to prepare and engage into a successful negotiation. Following the course,
More details »The ability to solve problems is the required paradigm in everyday life, no matter where we work, and solutions must be fast, economic, and permanent. Our ability to achieve such goals determines our income, but also the amount of free time and financial resources that we allow to invest in leisure
More details »An interactive course, which offers the perfect balance between theory and practice; with immediate applicability on daily professional activities. This training aims to give to the participants all the means and tools to express their opinions, their feelings in order to improve relationships
More details »Practical seminar "Degree of concentration and anti-competitive tendencies in the insurance market. Case studies - Romania vs. EU" is addressed to people working in the field of competition (consulting firms, law firms, etc.) and aims to present specific issues, both theoretical and practical, on le
More details »An interactive and practical course, with immediate applicability on daily professional activities. This training aims to give to the participants all the means and tools to build, bond, motivate and manage a team. The workshop is based on a coaching approach and is designed to strengthen the
More details »”Management through objectives” workshop is based on a practical application about developing a management plan focusing on setting goals in such a way that the participants will achieve it easier. The participants will develop abilities that will help them to set objectives, to implemen
More details »The financial analysis provides the tools and techniques to analyze the financial statements in order to make a financial diagnosis of the company's profitability and risk, according to which the strengths and weaknesses of the management can be formulated. Thus, it can be substantiate the strategie
More details »The program aims to acquire intermediate and advanced concepts and techniques on the practical use of Microsoft Office software - Microsoft Excel, enabling end users from financial field to operate in a professional way using spreadsheet tools. Participants in this course will be allocated 20 credi
More details »Recruitment and selection successful sales agents seminar focuses on improving the performance of the manager in the current environment by developing critical managerial skills and competencies for the first years of activity in the areas of activity planning, recruitment and selection.
More details »The financial analysis provides the tools and techniques to analyze the financial statements in order to make a financial diagnosis of the company's profitability and risk, according to which the strengths and weaknesses of the management can be formulated. Thus, it can be substantiate the strategie
More details »The "Machine Learning Fundamentals" course introduces statistical and business concepts to understand artificial intelligence algorithms and how they can be applied across different areas of financial markets.
More details »Cursul îşi propune să familiarizeze cursanţii cu metodele şi tehnicile de evaluare a investiţiilor financiare, respectiv, de formare a portofoliilor eficiente care să ofere cel mai mare randament pe unitatea de risc asumat de către investitor. Oportunităţile de investiţii de portofol
More details »An interactive course, with theoretical and practical elements, with immediate applicability in the professional life. This training aims to give the participants all the information, means and tools to coach and develop their own and their team member’s innovative thinking. The course o
More details »An interactive and practical course, with immediate applicability on daily personal and professional activities. This training aims to give to the participants all the means and tools to identify and remove the causes of stress in order to drastically decrease the pressure from their life. The
More details »The program aims to acquire intermediate and advanced concepts and techniques on the practical use of Microsoft Office software - Microsoft ACCESS, enabling end users from financial field to operate in a professional way using database tools
More details »Planificarea examenelor de certificare pentru distribuitori
Noua platformă pentru examinări online
Specialiștii constatare daune își desfășoară activitatea profesională în domeniul asigurărilor, în conformitate cu prevederile legale în vigoare și cu respectarea cerințelor privind pregătirea profesională....Click aici pentru detalii >
Institutul de Studii Financiare anunță finalizarea celui de-al patrulea proiect educațional pentru piața de asigură...see all
Vă rugăm să accesați Platforma on-line aici și să urmați pașii menționați în Ghidul ...see all
The Institute of Financial Studies and specialists in the insurance market have developed and published the Insurance Di...see all
ISF organizeaza vineri 29 martie 2019 a doua editie a actiunii de ecologizare a padurilor, urmand astfel sa plante...see all
Bucureşti 25 martie 2019 Digitalizarea, automatizarea şi inovaţia în serviciile financiare, dar ...see all