Cursul îşi propune să familiarizeze cursanţii cu metodele şi tehnicile de evaluare a companiilor prin metoda Discount Cash-Flow (DCF), prin multiplii de preţ şi de valoare (P/E, P/BV, EV/EBITDA etc.), prin activul net şi prin opţiuni reale. Cursul are un puternic caracter aplicativ, f
More details »In this course we set out to discuss the basics of information security management by presenting the main aspects concerning the management through processes and basic concepts of information security. The material is an introduction and makes available to attendees the notions necessary for unders
More details »Regulamentul (UE) 2016/679 privind protecția persoanelor fizice în ceea ce privește prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal și privind libera circulație a acestor date și de abrogare a Directivei 95/46/CE (Regulamentul General privind Protecția Datelor) a fost pus în aplicare &ici
More details »An interactive course, with theoretical and practical elements, with immediate applicability in the professional life. This training aims to give to the participants all the information, means and tools to efficiently manage teams and projects; to develop and inspire team members. The course o
More details »In this course, we propose discussing the main aspects of information security and to present to the audience useful methods for identifying and approaching risks, for defining, implementing and monitoring control measures that can prevent incidents and that can ensure a good level of security for t
More details »Adult learning raises new challenges nowadays. The findings of the neurosciences regarding the functioning of the brain in the learning process, change some paradigms that have been based on the training programs so far. This is why we created a program that opens the horizon for those who work or t
More details »The Trainer Program offers the opportunity to develop the skills necessary for achieving and sustaining training sessions interactive and stimulating applying training techniques depending on the particular adult learning.
More details »The training aims to provide the audience with the elements and techniques to help them efficiently and safely operate in an ever-changing environment that depends upon technology. The IT risk is actually the organizational exposure resulting from using information systems. We’ll present a com
More details »An interactive course, with theoretical and practical elements, with immediate applicability on daily personal and professional activities. This training aims to give to the participants all the information, means and tools to efficiently manage time and priorities on the job and in personal l
More details »Planificarea examenelor de certificare pentru distribuitori
Noua platformă pentru examinări online
Specialiștii constatare daune își desfășoară activitatea profesională în domeniul asigurărilor, în conformitate cu prevederile legale în vigoare și cu respectarea cerințelor privind pregătirea profesională....Click aici pentru detalii >
Institutul de Studii Financiare anunță finalizarea celui de-al patrulea proiect educațional pentru piața de asigură...see all
Vă rugăm să accesați Platforma on-line aici și să urmați pașii menționați în Ghidul ...see all
The Institute of Financial Studies and specialists in the insurance market have developed and published the Insurance Di...see all
ISF organizeaza vineri 29 martie 2019 a doua editie a actiunii de ecologizare a padurilor, urmand astfel sa plante...see all
Bucureşti 25 martie 2019 Digitalizarea, automatizarea şi inovaţia în serviciile financiare, dar ...see all