Train The Trainers Advanced

Bucharest 13 December 2019

Trainer: Laura Elly Naghi


Adult learning raises new challenges nowadays. The findings of the neurosciences regarding the functioning of the brain in the learning process, change some paradigms that have been based on the training programs so far. This is why we created a program that opens the horizon for those who work or those interested in working in the field of adult learning. During this program the participants will know and practice tools and methods for developing and implementing professional training and development programs in line with new studies and discoveries related to learning.

Target group

The program is addressed to the trainers, as well as to the persons who have the attributions of development, implementation and monitoring of the training and development programs of the employees and collaborators within the organizations.

Course objectives

At the end of the program the participants will:
• You know how to apply methods of identifying and analyzing the training needs in order to be able to develop training programs with an impact on the development of the personnel in organizations;
• Could prepare and monitor a training plan for all target groups in organizations targeted by the training and development programs;
• Know and practice the ways of elaborating, communicating, implementing and measuring the impact of a training program for a specific target group;
• Find out new trends in the field of adult vocational training and new discoveries of learning-related neurosciences;
• Learn about e-learning, video-learning and gamification learning tools and methods;
• Practice the PechaKucha format presentation method useful for developing the skills of trainers and speakers
• Exerted the preparation of a training program in a case study, after the course.


The program includes:
1. Identification and analysis of training needs at the level of an organization / target group
2. Preparation plan - elaboration, implementation, monitoring, follow-up
3. Training programs dedicated to target groups - elaboration, communication, implementation and impact measurement
4. New trends in the field of adult vocational training. The neurosciences of learning
5. Modern learning methods such as e-learning, video-learning, gamification
6. Public presentations in PechaKucha format


Laura Elly NAGHI has 15 years experience in pedagogical and professional training, being involved in personal and professional development projects in the financial field. He has given presentations, workshops, courses of motivation techniques, communication techniques, trainer and personal counseling for students. A graduate of ASE Bucharest, specializing in Business Administration, Laura has held management positions in the field of vocational training since 2007.

Duration / Period

The program has 8 hours, between 09,30 and 17,30


The investment for this program is 400 lei + VAT / participant and includes: course materials, coffee breaks / snacks, participation certificate


At the above fee 5% will be discounted for the registration of at least 2 persons from the same organisation.

Apply for course
Helpful information to complete the form.

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