Underwriting in life insurance

Bucharest 10 December 2019

Trainer: Cecilia Adelina Burlacu


The program "Underwriting in life insurance. Basic notions in individual life insurance." is for people who want a career in underwriting / risk assessment in life insurance. The objective of the course "Underwriting in life insurance. Basic notions in individual life insurance." is to understand the purpose of risk assessment in the insurance business, to master the current terminology in the field, to know the methods of risk selection and to acquire primary competencies in medical and non-medical underwriting.
The program is divided into theoretical sessions and practical sessions - Case studies. Practical exercises will be both individual and in groups, with feedback from the lecturer.

Target group

The program "Underwriting in life insurance. Basic notions in individual life insurance." addresses to:
- Employees of insurance companies;
- Employees of insurance intermediation companies.

Course objectives

At the end of the program, the participants will understand the role of the underwriter's in proper risk assessment undertaken by the company in the case of life insurance, they will be acquired the essential knowledge in underwriting (the selection and evaluation of primary medical risk, occupational, financial, residential) and will perceive the subscription process influence over the results of the life insurance company.


Main topics:

1. The necessity of risk selection
2. The stages risk selection
3. Analysis of the insurance application and annexed documents
4. Medical risk factors
5. Diseases with the greatest impact on life expectancy
6. Risk factors for non-medical
7. Subscription tools 


Cecilia Adelina BURLACU - Certified Medical Underwriting Specialist (C.U.S.) acreditat de The Chartered Insurance Institute (C.I.I.), U.K., organizație profesională a specialiștilor din industria asigurărilor și serviciilor financiare. 
Absolventă a Facultații de Psihologie, Sociologie și Asistență Socială din cadrul Universității București, Cecilia Adelina BURLACU și-a început cariera ca underwriter la AIG Life, acum Metropolitan Life, în anul 2000. A participat la numeroase cursuri de specialitate în străinătate și a adăugat experienței profesionale arii precum evaluarea daunelor și managementul produselor de asigurare.

Duration / Period

8 hours of effective training from 09:00 to 17:00


The investment for the program is 400 lei + VAT/participant and include: course; coffee break and lunch; certificate of participation.


The following discounts will be granted:

  • 15% for insurance companies/ brokerage companies/private pensions funds, for the registration of more that 7 persons
  • 10% for other organizations/institutions for the registration of more than 7 persons
  • 5% for the registration of 3-6 persons
  • for individuals the discount is 50 lei.
Apply for course
Helpful information to complete the form.

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