EU financed projects

IMASIG Project – National program for the professional development of specialist and intermediaries from the insurance field

The Foundation of the Insurance Management Institute along with Alexandru Iona Cuza University from Iasi, Ovidius University from Constanta, Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, The West University from Timisoara, The Association for Promoting European Education from Mures, The National Union of Enterprises for Insurance and Reinsurance from Romania (UNSAR), The National Union of Enterprises for Insurance Brokerage and Consultancy from Romania has developed a program for the professional development of specialist and intermediaries from the insurance field.

The project was co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, priority axis 3: “Increasing adaptability of workers and enterprises”, major intervention domain 3.2: “Development and support in promoting enterprises and employees’ adaptability”. The project has developed on a period of 3 years, between 01.01.2011-31.12.2013 and had a total eligible value of 10.708.362 lei, approved within the financing contract.

The project’s main objective is improving insurance specialists and intermediaries’ adaptability to the economic environment that is constantly changing, especially for introducing modern technologies and organizational solutions that will lead to the improvement of the quality of services provided for people and enterprises, even to the improvement of work quality and productivity.

The project’s results exceeded the indicators assumed within the contract:

  • The number of courses was raised from 295 to 306;
  • There was 8.339 participants, from which 8.158 passed the final exam and received certificates;
  • The institutional development of The Foundation of the Insurance Management Institute through building branches in the 8 developing country regions for providing training programs for insurance specialists and intermediaries.

More details about the project and the courses that were held can be found on the website:

ECTRANZ Project – Practice internships for economics students

During 2010-2013 The Insurance Institute along with The Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest and The Romanian-American University was involved in building and implementing a program that was co-financed by European funds, through the Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development (POSDRU) – ECTRANZ – Facilitating transition from school to active life for economics students. The project consisted in assisting transition from school to active life for 150 economics students in the 2nd and 3rd year, by facilitating their participation in practice internships in companies from the insurance and private pensions field.

The project’s results exceeded the indicators assumed within the contract:

  • 31 partnerships signed with companies and entities from this field (CSSPP);
  • 154 students that finished their internships;
  • 99 000 lei offered as prizes for the first 45 students;
  • 1 000 copies of The Insurance practice guide.

The project has 3 years of sustainability in implementation and seeks developing partnerships with new companies and university centres from Bucharest and the rest of the country.

Network of Competent Professional Qualification from Romania (IMI PQ NET RO)

During 2012-2013 The Institute took part as a competent authority in the insurance field in the “The Network of Competent Professional Qualification from Romania” (IMI PQ NET RO) Project along with The Ministry of Education, in partnership with the National Authority for Qualifications and the Association “The Institute for Social Policies”.

The project’s main objective was creating a functional system at national level (the IMI PQ NET system) that would enable the development of adequate communicational, advisory, training and collaboration tools necessary for fulfilling obligation of administrative cooperation instituted by The Directive on Professional Qualification and controlled by the 200/2004 Law.

For reaching this objective there were closed certain collaboration protocols between all the competent authorities from Romania and the Ministry of Education. Through the conveyance of the designated persons, The Institute participated actively in the working group from the economic sector, making contribution at creating The Guide of certificating competencies and acknowledging qualification for the insurance agents and brokers.

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