Team Management

Bucharest 26 August 2019 - 27 August 2019

Trainer: Irina Toma


An interactive and practical course, with immediate applicability on daily professional activities.  This training aims to give to the participants all the means and tools to build, bond, motivate and manage a team. The workshop is based on a coaching approach and is designed to strengthen the communication and management abilities in order to develop efficient teams.

Target group

Middle and/or top managers (all departments)

Those who have just been invested in a leadership/leading position and need to consolidate their role in the team

Minimum level of experience for participating in the program

At least 1 year in a lead/management position

Course objectives

  • Acquiring the necessary knowledge and abilities of team management 
  • Knowing the stages of developing a team (form, storm, norm, perform, motivation, management)
  • Acquiring the principles of team communication
  • Developing the ability of delegation within a team
  • Acquiring the necessary knowledge and abilities of conflict management
  • Knowing the team motivation techniques
  • Acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills of raising the team performance


1. Team management abilities (2 hours)

  • Team management - theory and examples 
  • Efficient management-Abilities and techniques – theory and case studies

2. Delegation (2 hours)

  • The principles of delegation – theory and examples
  • Efficient team members delegation – theory and exercises

3. New members integration and team development (4 hours)

  • The stages of team development (form, storm, norm, perform) – theory, roll-play
  • New team members assimilation techniques - exercises, roll-play 
  • Team development techniques – group coaching

4. Conflict Management (4 hours)

  • Conflicts – causes and effects – theory, case studies, exercises 
  • Conflict management techniques – theory and group coaching

5. Team motivation and performance raise (4 hours)

  • Team motivation techniques – exercises, roll-play, group coaching 
  • The principles of performance – theory, case studies, 
  • Abilities and techniques of raising team performance- theory, exercises, group coaching


Irina Toma, Life&Executive Coach, accredited by IIC&M; Trainer, Consultant, Mentor, with years of experience in coaching and training on subjects like: soft skills, communication, leadership, sales, motivation; team management and team coaching.

Duration / Period

The program will last for 16 hours and will take place in December 11-12th, 2018 between 10:00-18:00.


The necessary investment for participating to this program is of 700 lei + VAT/person.


At the above fee the following discounts will be granted:

  • 5% for registration and payment until November 12th, 2018;
  • 5% for the registration of at least 2 persons from the same organisation.

The discounts can be cumulated.

Apply for course
Helpful information to complete the form.

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