Initiation in adjusting and sizing the damages - APRD

Bucharest 04 October 2019 - 13 October 2019

Trainer: Alexandru Petrescu, Ionel Calotă, Rareș Medrega


The program is organized by Asociația Profesioniștilor în Regularizarea Daunelor with the support of the Institute of Financial Studies and aims to professionalize the activity of adjusting and sizing the damages by acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills by persons wishing to practice this profession.

The course will contain a theoretical section, that will take place in the classroom, as well as a practical one, both at a damaging center and at a service unit. In this way the trainee will be able to assist both the actual process of adjusting and checking the correctness of the proposed technical solutions.

Students will benefit from the guidance of trainers with extensive experience in the damages field.

Target group

The course addresses to specialists in finding damage or to any person wishing to practice this profession but does not meet the criteria for direct evaluation of professional skills. In order to participate at this course, the candidate must have at least medium education finalized with a baccalaureate diploma.

Course objectives

At the end of the course the candidate must prove the achievement of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to carry out the adjusting and sizing damages in accordance with FSA 20/2017.

Trainer Alexandru Petrescu

Ionel Calotă

Rareș Medrega

Duration / Period

The course summarizes 120 hours, divided as following: 60 hours at classroom and 60 hours of practice.

The classroom session will take place as follows:

  • In 02.10.2019, from 09:00 to 18:00, Chapter I - trainer Ionel Calotă
  • In 03.10.2019 from 14:00 to 18:00, Chapter VI - trainer Rareș Medrega
  • In 04.10.2019, from 09:00 to 18:00, Chapter I - trainer Ionel Calotă
  • In 07-08.10.2019, from 09:00 to 18:00, Chapter V - trainer Ionel Calotă
  • In 09.10.2019 from 09:00 to 18:00, Chapter IV - trainer Ionel Calotă, guest Cristian Omăt - GT Motive
  • In 10 and 11.10.2019 from 09:00 to 18:00, Chapters II and III - trainer Alexandru Petrescu.

The practical session will take place during the period 14-25.10.2019.

The period for sending the necessary documents for completing the course (technical project and practice certificates) is 08.11.2019.

The written test and the project presentation will take place in 11.11.2019.


The necessary investment for this program is of 1250 lei / participant and includes: electronic course support, ppt presentations, coffee breaks, lunch snack.

The course is completed with a Certificate of Graduation, obtained only if the following are met cumulatively:

  1. Knowledge verification (promotion of a written test)
  2. Presentation of a technical project. It consists of a complete damage file.
  3. Practice certificates obtained at the place of practice
  4. Minimum total attendance (classroom and practice) of 66.6%.

At the investment mentioned above will be added an addtional fee of 595 lei / participant for examination at the Center for Assessing the Competence of Specialists in Finding Damage (CESCD) in order to obtain the Certificate of Competencies.

Apply for course
Helpful information to complete the form.

 Newsletter ISF

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