Webinar: How to Value the Investment Opportunities

Bucharest 05 February 2019

Trainer: Cristian Tudorescu


In this Webinar we focus on the main methods to value the investment opportunities in Stocks and Bonds. We discuss the main indicators to take into account before investing in Stocks and/or Bonds.

Examples and Case studies based on recent listings on Bucharest Stock Exchange and also some other local and international listed companies.

Target group

This Webinar is designed for already active investors in the local or in the international markets, and also for people with financial background and who want to get into more details regarding stock investments and valuation.

Course objectives

Using the valuation multiples: the criteria used to assess if a company is relatively 'cheap' or 'expensive'.

How are valued the main stocks listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, using the valuation multiples?

Relevant examples from recent listings on the Bucharest Stock Exchange and International markets


  1. Listed companies valuation, using P/E, EV/EBITDA, P/Cash-flow multiples
  2. How to corelate the Valuation multiples with the expected growth of the business
  3. Case studies: 5 examples of Romanian and International companies and their valuation


Cristian Tudorescu - having more than 12 years background in the financial markets, as Head of Research with Tradeville, a Romanian retail brokerage house, then involved in asset management business and currently financial advisor for financing private companies and public entities.

Passed Level II in the CFA Programme.

More than 6 years of trainings on investments in the financial markets.

Duration / Period

The webinar will take 1.5 hours, and is scheduled on  May 4, between 3 - 4.30 PM.


The cost of the Webinar is RON 45 + VAT/participant.



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