Bucharest 15 October 2019
Trainer: Alexandru Grigorescu
Analysis and development of solutions for simplification of claims processes, subprocesses and workflows represents some of the main activities that can lead to a better functioning of the departments concerned with positive impact on the entire activity and on the end-user consumer of insurance products.
The course is aimed for people who are part of the claim’s management operational positions (Ie: notification, assessment and adjustment) and interconnected operational departments, due to the needs of identifying more than one solution for development of knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to optimize processes, subprocesses and internal flows. Claims managers will identify best practice solutions in the spotlight, with the end customer of insurance products.
1. Presentation of the main actions of analysis and review of processes, subprocesses and internal flows in order to identify the main issues (redundant actions, actions that lead to delay of processes ... etc):
a) Presentation and support of the most important solutions for analysis of processes, subprocess level from the first interaction with a client until the process ends; process workflow reviewed;
b) The presentation of how to identify the main solutions for redundant activities with negative impact on Key Productivity Indicators (KPIs) at departments level and insurance company level.
c) Presentation of solutions to use the design and graphics dedicated tool in order to edit and draw the processes and internal flows.
2. Presentation of solutions and actions to improve processes, flows and sub-flows of damages
a) Solutions for analyzing and defining the main Key Productivity Indicators (KPIs) on internal departments and interconnected departments.
b) Solutions for analyzing and defining response times (SLAs) between interconnected departments that have an influence on internal processes and flows.
c) Techniques, solutions and actions to be implemented in the claims departments in order to improve internal processes (Whiteboard implementation,recurrent meetings on department - level and interconnected departments, Skill Matrix… etc).
Mr. Alexandru Grigorescu is licensed Polytechnic University, Faculty of Transport and Road Vehicles. It has over 10 years of experience in insurance - Uniqa Insurance claims manager responsible methodology Generali damage. Section coordinator car UNSAR mid 2017. ANC is authorized trainer.
The program will last for 6 hours and will take place between 10:00-16:00.
The necessary investment for participating to this program is :
420 lei+ VAT/person, including taxes for validation and credit registration.
Fees include: course materials, coffee breaks, participation certificates.