Risk models and appropriate data analysis

Bucharest 26 September 2019

Trainer: Raluca Vernic


During the course two basic models in risk analysis will be presented, namely individual model and collective model. In relation to these models, we will present parametric analysis techniques of data related to the number of damages and their costs, exemplified on actual numerical data. The participants will be able to see how the specialized software R can be used to this purpose (the Excel software is also considered).

Target group

  • Direct beneficiaries of this program are actuaries.
  • It is also of interest for persons with related activity: persons working in insurance, managers.

It is necessary a minimum of knowledge in probabilities and mathematical statistics as well as Excel.

Course objectives

The main objectives of this program are:

  • To learn how to identify the situations when individual and collective models are applicable;
  • To become aware of the evaluation techniques of the composite distribution corresponding to the collective model;
  • To gain knowledge about data analysis involved in these models;
  • To learn how to use Excel and R software.


  1. Risk models: individual model, collective model
  • Models presentation
  • Calculation of the corresponding distributions; Actuar package in R software
  1. Parametric data analysis using specific software
  • Parameter estimation and statistical tests
  • Analysis of the number of claims: specific distributions, using R
  • Costs of claims analysis: specific distributions, using R
  • Optional: using Excel in data analysis


Conf. univ. dr. Raluca VERNIC, absolventă a Facultății de Matematică şi Informatică, Universitatea din București a urmat un curs de actuariat în cadrul unei burse TEMPUS la Universitatea Paris VI, deține un doctorat în matematică la Universitatea din Bucureşti, teza cu titlul “Contribuții la matematicile actuariale”. În 2016 a obținut o abilitare în matematică la Universitatea din Bucureşti cu teza “On some distributions and computational techniques for actuarial modelling”.

Din 2015 este conferențiar al Facultății de Matematică şi Informatică, Universitatea Ovidius din Constanța (cursuri predate: probabilități şi statistică matematică, teoria jocurilor, matematici financiare, algoritmi în actuariat, teoria sondajelor, etc.), din 2008 este cercetător part-time la ISMMA Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob iar din 2006 și până în prezent este conferențiar part time la ASE București în cadrul programului de masterat ”Tehnici actuariale”.

Duration / Period

The program will take place on the 11th of June 2018, between 14:30 and 18:30.


The necessary investment for participating to this program is of 450 lei + VAT/participant.


At the above rate the following discounts will be granted:

  • 5% for groups of at least 2 persons;
  • 5% for registration and payment until the May 11, 2018.

The discounts can be cumulated.

Apply for course
Helpful information to complete the form.

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