Professional competences evaluator, COR 242 405, accredited by the NQA

Bucharest 23 April 2019 - 24 April 2019

Trainer: Violeta Drăgan


The evaluator professional skills is a specialist with recent work experience and / or coordination in occupations for which it is designated to the assessment center in order to conduct evaluations. The assessor explains and details to the candidate, on demand, the content of the occupational standard provisions helping them evaluate their own professional performance in relation to it and decide voluntary entry into the evaluation process.

Target group

  • people with higher education interested to know and correctly apply the principles of evaluation, to develop and implement assessment tools 
  • specialists who want to do evaluation of professional skills from training courses in the assessment centers or who want to do evaluation for the personnel and performance of the company.

Course objectives

After the course, participants will acquire and develop skills on:

  • Development of assessment tools;
  • Advising the candidate evaluation process;
  • Organization of assessment;
  • Making assessment;
  • The decision on the candidate's skills.


  • Assessor's role in the evaluation of skills;
  • The role of evaluation in an organization;
  • Organization of assessment;
  • Conducting the assessment process;
  • Communication from the evaluation results.


Violeta Drăgan is a NQA authorized trainer, project manager, assessor  for professional skills and appraiser of training programs and suppliers of professional training with experience in training since 2003 and coordinator of training programs since 2010. Violeta Drăgan occupies management position in a private educational institution.

Duration / Period

The program involves a total of 60 hours as follows: 8 hours of theoretical and practical study in the classroom; 52 hours - individual study and practical activities assisted by trainer, including the final project. Examination: 1 hour for theory and 1 hour for practical applications.


The investment for this program is 560 lei + VAT and includes: course; coffee breaks and graduation certificate issued by the NQA.


A discount of 5% will be granted for the participation of at least 2 persons from the same company.

Apply for course
Helpful information to complete the form.

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