Financial courses

Online course: LOMA 281 - Meeting Customer Needs with Insurance and Annuities

Insurance professionals are faced with complex terminology and concepts on a daily basis. Understanding what these terms mean and how they impact your business is essential to your success. Meeting Customer Needs with Insurance and Annuities (LOMA 281), part of the Need 2 Know series, uses a variety

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Online course: Life Insurance Products

This robust LOMA course provides an overview of (a) the difference between whole life and term life; (b) renewable, convertible, and return of premium term life insurance; and (c) reasons for choosing one product over another. While this is ideal for all new employees, it can serve well as “r

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Online course: Exceptional Customer Service

This LOMA course focuses on customer service in the financial services industry – what it entails, what customers expect and deserve, how it is most effectively delivered, and why it is so important. The course describes the many ways great customer service distinguishes a company and enhances

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Online course: LOMA 280 – Principles of Insurance

LOMA 280 introduces the principles of insurance, the process of becoming insured, and the policyowner’s contractual rights. The course includes information on the features of individual and group life insurance, health insurance, and annuity products. All LOMA courses have been reviewed and u

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Online course: LOMA 290 – Insurance Company Operations

LOMA 290 — Insurance Company Operations describes how life insurance companies operate in today’s global environment: how they are organized, how they are managed, and the roles of functional and support units in developing, distributing, issuing, and administering life insurance and ann

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Online course: CX 50 - Impact Cx: The Quest

CX 50 – Impact Cx: The Quest is an interactive, decision-based gamified course that helps organizations create a unified customer-first mindset among all employees. It transforms employees into customer advocates who demonstrate empathy and sound judgment in meeting customer needs —

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Online course: How Group Health Insurance Works

This LOMA course describes how group health insurance works and covers the key points of this popular type of coverage, including standard group health insurance policy provisions, underwriting basics, and funding mechanisms for providing group health insurance coverage. Employees who will be handl

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Online course: Global Money Laundering Prevention in the Securities Industry

This LOMA course is designed to teach you a vital lesson in today's world—how to prevent yourself and your firm from being used to launder money. The course will answer five basic questions: What is money laundering? How is money laundered? What are the consequences to you and the firm for fai

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Online course: Introduction to Insurance Fraud (Adjuster)

This LOMA course will provide the insurance professional with an overview to Insurance Fraud, including the effects of insurance fraud, the growing statistics of insurance fraud, examples and current fraud schemes as well as their consequences, the efforts to reduce insurance fraud and the role that

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Online course: How to Avoid Healthcare False Claims

Healthcare organizations and their employees who violate the civil False Claims Act can be fined millions of dollars. And, the federal government can exclude violators from participating in federal healthcare programs like Medicare and Medicaid. The act has been extensively used against healthcare p

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Noua platformă pentru examinări online

Vă rugăm să accesați Platforma on-line aici și să urmați pașii menționați în Ghidul candidatului sau Ghidul angajatorului/furnizorului

Programe de pregatire profesională continuă pentru specialiști constatare daune

Specialiștii constatare daune își desfășoară activitatea profesională în domeniul asigurărilor, în conformitate cu prevederile legale în vigoare și cu respectarea cerințelor privind pregătirea profesională....Click aici pentru detalii >

Proiectul CertIDD – un nou proiect educational pentru piaţa de asigurări

Institutul de Studii Financiare anunță finalizarea celui de-al patrulea proiect educațional pentru piața de asigură...see all

Revista de Studii Financiare


Vă rugăm să accesați Platforma on-line aici și să urmați pașii menționați în Ghidul ...see all

Master de tehnici actuariale

The Insurance Distributor Manual has been published

The Institute of Financial Studies and specialists in the insurance market have developed and published the Insurance Di...see all

ISF - Accredited Training Partner of CISI

Actiune plantare - editia a doua

ISF organizeaza vineri 29 martie 2019  a doua editie a actiunii de ecologizare a padurilor, urmand astfel sa plante...see all



Bucureşti 25 martie  2019   Digitalizarea, automatizarea şi inovaţia în serviciile financiare, dar ...see all

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