Financial courses

Pricing strategy

The workshop aims to present and explain the items to consider on the Pricing Strategy at an insurance company and the way to avoid common price errors through a pricing strategy and an active pricing management. The workshop will have 6 hours with a strong practical component and a permanent tutor

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Pricing motor insurance - Bucharest

Pricing motor insurance workshop is designed for the employees of insurance companies involved in activities related to designing, pricing and advertising/selling motor insurance and aims to debate through case studies the main aspects relevant for the subject. The workshop will be done in English.

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Introduction to general insurance

The program aims to present the general insurance (non-life) by explaining the functioning of an insurance. We will present various types and classifications of insurance and types of insurance conditions, will define and explain the calculation of insurance premiums.

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Financial System: Structure, Risk, Markets, Financial Stability

Recognizing the importance of developing financial education the Institute aims through this program, which is addressed to all those whose professional activity is related to financial domain, to deepen specific financial system concepts to meet challenges fueled by socio-economic new reality. With

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Risk Management for AFIA which administers the FIA with legal personality

The course Risk management for AFIA administered internally or which administers the FIA with legal personality is addressed to persons who work in these entities on leading positions as risk management, internal assessors or to persons who want a career development in the field of risk management.

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Antifraud for insurance sector

În sectorul asigurărilor, ca și în oricare alt sector, au loc incidente frauduloase. Aceste incidente ating toate lanțurile procesului de asigurare: asiguratori, reasiguratori, brokeri, agenți și asigurați. Companiile de asigurări se confruntă cu un număr tot mai mare de tentat

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Word 2016

The program aims to acquire intermediate and advanced concepts and techniques regarding creating and managing professional documents using Microsoft Office software - Microsoft WORD, enabling end users from financial field to operate in a professional way enhancing document content, customizing temp

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Sustainability Management and Reporting Insights

The training course is intended to familiarize you both with the importance of sustainability for the future of your company, as well as with the methodologies and tools needed to monitor, report and manage your company’s economic, environmental and social impacts. The management an

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Asigurările de locuințe între necesitate și complexitate

Desfășurat într-un mod interactiv, programul își propune să arate celor interesați complexitatea de forme pe care o poate îmbrăca acest tip de asigurare, aparent simplă, și modul în care, printr-o identificare corectă și completă a riscurilor se poate ajunge la o s

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Process optimization - Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt. Process Simulation - Quick Learning Method

The program consists of a demonstration and interactive optimization process, a workshop on Lean Six Sigma (Yellow Belt level), where we simulate the practical process, the organizational structure classic with customers (who demands the three coordinates: quality, cost and delivery time), reception

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Noua platformă pentru examinări online

Vă rugăm să accesați Platforma on-line aici și să urmați pașii menționați în Ghidul candidatului sau Ghidul angajatorului/furnizorului

Programe de pregatire profesională continuă pentru specialiști constatare daune

Specialiștii constatare daune își desfășoară activitatea profesională în domeniul asigurărilor, în conformitate cu prevederile legale în vigoare și cu respectarea cerințelor privind pregătirea profesională....Click aici pentru detalii >

Proiectul CertIDD – un nou proiect educational pentru piaţa de asigurări

Institutul de Studii Financiare anunță finalizarea celui de-al patrulea proiect educațional pentru piața de asigură...see all

Revista de Studii Financiare


Vă rugăm să accesați Platforma on-line aici și să urmați pașii menționați în Ghidul ...see all

Master de tehnici actuariale

The Insurance Distributor Manual has been published

The Institute of Financial Studies and specialists in the insurance market have developed and published the Insurance Di...see all

ISF - Accredited Training Partner of CISI

Actiune plantare - editia a doua

ISF organizeaza vineri 29 martie 2019  a doua editie a actiunii de ecologizare a padurilor, urmand astfel sa plante...see all



Bucureşti 25 martie  2019   Digitalizarea, automatizarea şi inovaţia în serviciile financiare, dar ...see all

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