Financial courses

Legislative news in the field of public accounting

The program has a very practical character, consisting in multiple applications and practical presentations regarding the legislative changes in the field of accounting of institutions and public authorities.

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Criminal law seminar in the insurance field

The correct understanding and acknowledgement of the legislation regarding the abuse and other offences committed on duty by applying the most recent decisions of the Constitutional Court and The High Court of Cassation and Justice is of great interest for all the employers and employees, whether in

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Methods and techniques for valuing investments

The course aims to familiarize students with methods and techniques for the evaluation of direct investments (private and public) and financing, respectively, to prepare a business plan for their future exploitation. The program has a strong practical character, being developed on significant case

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Professional civil liability insurance - Timișoara

Beyond the requirement imposed by the legal and statutory provisions, professionals may encounter, in their activity, complaints, as consequence for failure or poor performance of their obligations concerning their responsibilities, by negligence. The role of professional civil liability insurance i

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Personal data protection for insurance companies

În prezent, lumea este  din ce în ce mai interconectată, schimburile de date depășind granițele unui singur stat sau ale Uniunii Europene, punându-se sub semnul întrebării jurisdicția aplicabilă unui transfer de date cu caracter personal către un stat membru UE s

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Entitatea de Soluţionare Alternativă a Litigiilor în domeniul financiar nebancar, denumită în continuare SAL-FIN, este constituită în baza Ordonanţei Guvernului nr. 38/2015 privind soluţionarea alternativă a litigiilor dintre consumatori şi comercianţi, denumită în

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The Company’s protection against vexing lawsuits

  One of the biggest concerns of the companies that are currently listed on the Stock Exchange or are soon to be listed is often linked to the entry as shareholders of people that will end up encumbering the financial activity of the listed company by initiating lawsuits. This also applies to c

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Evaluation and monitoring of investment fund assets

The personnel who provides the product management and the back-office areas for deposit / investment fund administration must be a specialized one, possessing specific legislative knowledge and able to apply them correctly and consistently. The main tasks of the Depositary are: Certification of

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Diagnostic analysis for estimating insolvency risk

Through this course, the lecturer synthesizes the expertise in credit risk management accumulated in:- 10 years of professional experience- 1,000 business meetings with entrepreneurs from all sectors- 100,000 insolvency companies analyzed over the past 10 years Following the experience described ab

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Capital markets and financial innovation

The course aims to reveal the main feature and quality of capital market: financial innovation. It defines market functioning in both its aspects immediately visible to users and in its deep layers, either technological, or in the structural typologies developed. The course will indicate the main a

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Noua platformă pentru examinări online

Vă rugăm să accesați Platforma on-line aici și să urmați pașii menționați în Ghidul candidatului sau Ghidul angajatorului/furnizorului

Programe de pregatire profesională continuă pentru specialiști constatare daune

Specialiștii constatare daune își desfășoară activitatea profesională în domeniul asigurărilor, în conformitate cu prevederile legale în vigoare și cu respectarea cerințelor privind pregătirea profesională....Click aici pentru detalii >

Proiectul CertIDD – un nou proiect educational pentru piaţa de asigurări

Institutul de Studii Financiare anunță finalizarea celui de-al patrulea proiect educațional pentru piața de asigură...see all

Revista de Studii Financiare


Vă rugăm să accesați Platforma on-line aici și să urmați pașii menționați în Ghidul ...see all

Master de tehnici actuariale

The Insurance Distributor Manual has been published

The Institute of Financial Studies and specialists in the insurance market have developed and published the Insurance Di...see all

ISF - Accredited Training Partner of CISI

Actiune plantare - editia a doua

ISF organizeaza vineri 29 martie 2019  a doua editie a actiunii de ecologizare a padurilor, urmand astfel sa plante...see all



Bucureşti 25 martie  2019   Digitalizarea, automatizarea şi inovaţia în serviciile financiare, dar ...see all

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