Online course: LOMA 280 – Principles of Insurance

LOMA 08 July 2019

Trainer: N/A


LOMA 280 introduces the principles of insurance, the process of becoming insured, and the policyowner’s contractual rights. The course includes information on the features of individual and group life insurance, health insurance, and annuity products.

All LOMA courses have been reviewed and updated as appropriate to reflect the DOL Fiduciary Rule.

This course counts as credit toward the following designation programs: ACS, AIRC, ALMI, ARA, CPLHI, FLMI, FLMI Level 1 Certificate, LCIC, PFSL, PFLP.

The learners will be awarded with a personalized certificate upon the successful completion of the course and the related I*Star (Individually Scheduled Test and Results) exam within 6 months after the enrollment.

Language: English

The course is online can be accessed both from computer and mobile devices.

Target group

Employees of companies from the insurance and financial services industry.


  • Describe the financial services industry and explain how insurance companies – stock, mutual, and fraternal benefit societies – function within that industry, why they are organized as corporations, and how they are regulated by both state and federal governments.
  • Discuss some of the most common terms that characterize the processes and considerations involved in issuing an insurance policy, among them: speculative risk, pure risk, insurable risk, risk classes, insurable interest, anti-selection, mortality tables, contracts, and premiums.
  • Explain the differences among the numerous types of contracts commonly used by insurance companies, including valid, void and voidable, formal and informal, bilateral and unilateral, commutative and aleatory, and contracts of adhesion.
  • Understand the key considerations that drive the product development process, such as mortality, premium rate, cost of benefits, compound interest and return on investment, as well as the type of policy – whole, term, universal, or variable – and provisions of each.
  • Describe additional benefits, features, or restrictions a life insurance policy might include, such as grace period, incontestability, reinstatement, policy loans, exclusions, dividend, non-forfeiture and settlement options, and transfer of ownership, among others.
  • Distinguish among the different types of annuity products and features, as well as the fees, charges, and taxes that apply to annuities, IRAs, and other retirement products.
  • Identify and describe types of group insurance plans and typical provisions and features contained in a group life insurance policy.
  • Discuss various healthcare products, such as managed care, disability income, and long-term care, and the numerous benefits and features of each.

Duration / Period

30 hours

The displayed period is indicative, being online the course is available at any time.

The course can be completed within 6 months of enrollment.


The necessary investement for this course is of 182 USD+VAT/participant.

The participation fee may be subject to changes based on LOMA policy.

Apply for course
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