Online course: LOMA 357 – Institutional Investing: Principles and Practices

LOMA 19 July 2019

Trainer: N/A


LOMA 357 provides an understanding of the investment regulatory environment and investing for life insurance companies and similar institutions. This course takes investments out of the black box! You’ll learn about investment returns and risks, investment performance, and fund options for retirement products and other products with fund options.

All LOMA courses have been reviewed and updated as appropriate to reflect the DOL Fiduciary Rule.

This course counts as credit toward the following designation programs: FLMI, PFSL, PFLP.

The learners will be awarded with a personalized certificate upon the successful completion of the course and the related I*Star (Individually Scheduled Test and Results) exam within 6 months after the enrollment.

Language: English

The course is online can be accessed both from computer and mobile devices.

Target group

Employees of companies from the insurance and financial services industry.

Course objectives

  • Understand the movement of funds into and out of financial services companies.
  • Describe the objectives of solvency regulation and market conduct regulation, including transparency, fiduciary standards, suitability requirements, disclosure regulations, and privacy protection requirements; and explain how companies can proactively manage the risk of changing regulatory requirements and standards.
  • Recognize potentially unethical or illegal practices that the investment function must guard against, including insider trading, front running, late trading, market timing, soft-dollar arrangements, collusion, theft, fraud, and Ponzi schemes.
  • Define total return, risk-free rate of return, historical return, and future returns; identify elements of required return – inflation, disinflation, deflation, and the risk premium – as well as the arithmetic mean annual return for an investment.
  • Describe fund classifications by style, and describe and apply a Morningstar Style Box to equity or fixed-income funds.
  • Describe the purpose of attribution analysis, explaining the significance of sector selection, security selection, portfolio concentration, momentum, and unexplained residual return, and understand how the results of attribution analysis are used in portfolio analysis.
  • Describe how investment professionals use various analyses (including correlation, peer review, and Monte Carlo, among others) in identifying appropriate asset classes and developing a strategic asset allocation.
  • Describe important terms and features of bonds.
  • Describe the investment attributes of structured debt securities, including asset-backed securities and collateralized loan obligations, and the process a loan originator follows to create structured debt securities.
  • Describe private equity and distinguish among different types of private equity investments, including venture capital funds, leveraged buyout funds, mezzanine debt funds, and distressed debt funds.

Duration / Period

30 hours

The displayed period is indicative, being online the course is available at any time.

The course can be completed within 6 months of enrollment.


The necessary investement for this course is of 207 USD+VAT/participant.

The participation fee may be subject to changes based on LOMA policy.

Apply for course
Helpful information to complete the form.

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