Online course: LOMA 335 – Operational Excellence in Financial Services

LOMA 19 July 2019

Trainer: N/A


LOMA 335 presents financial services from the perspective of a company’s operations management. This course focuses on practical techniques to accomplish the everyday tasks of providing financial services as efficiently as possible.

All LOMA courses have been reviewed and updated as appropriate to reflect the DOL Fiduciary Rule.

This course counts as credit toward the following designation programs: FLMI.

The learners will be awarded with a personalized certificate upon the successful completion of the course and the related I*Star (Individually Scheduled Test and Results) exam within 6 months after the enrollment.

Language: English

The course is online can be accessed both from computer and mobile devices.

Target group

Employees of companies from the insurance and financial services industry.

Course objectives

  • Define approaches companies use to improve operational efficiency, including automation and process improvements, offering desirable working conditions, providing job-relevant training and education, and using controls effectively.
  • Differentiate among four levels of strategy in organizations, including corporate strategy, business strategy, functional strategy, and operational strategy.
  • Explain techniques that leaders can use to influence followers, such as influence tactics, behavior modification, conflict-management techniques, change management, and mentoring.
  • Discuss the decision process, including decision alternatives, decision constraints, decision analysis, decision rules, making the decision itself, and decision implementation, as well as obstacles that contribute to decision complexity.
  • Describe decision criteria that are appropriate in an environment of uncertainty, as well as different types of data distributions, such as a frequency distribution, normal and non-normal distribution.
  • Explain the goals and activities of quality management, and describe how quality management achieves greater operational efficiency by establishing clear accountability and empowering employees.
  • Describe the characteristics and types of processes, including process mapping, flow charts, technology, and business process management programs.
  • Describe the importance of real-time managing in the inbound call center environment, and understand key performance indicators for contact centers, including call quality, first-contact resolution, forecast accuracy, and average call value.
  • Describe the insurance regulatory environment in the United States, and discuss the role of self-regulatory organizations (SROs) and professional organizations in defining regulatory standards.
  • Discuss how privacy regulations and regulatory requirements apply to financial service company operations, specifically accounting, financial reporting, auditing, and technology.

Duration / Period

30 hours

The displayed period is indicative, being online the course is available at any time.

The course can be completed within 6 months of enrollment.


The necessary investement for this course is of 207 USD+VAT/participant.

The participation fee may be subject to changes based on LOMA policy.

Apply for course
Helpful information to complete the form.

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