Initiation in adjusting and sizing the damages - Campion Expert Training

Bucharest 01 November 2019 - 19 December 2019

Trainer: Cristian Dogan, Dorel Lăcătuș


This program is organized by Campion Expert Training in partnership with The Institute of Financial Studies. The professional program regarding adjusting and sizing the damages involves a training process in both theoretically and practically.

This course contains both theoretical and practical sections. The theoretical section is taking place in both the online environment and in classroom. The practical section is carried out at a service station/damage adjusting center/provider of evaluation systems. The trainees will be able to assist in both the actual process of adjusting and verifying the correctness of the proposed technical solutions.

The trainees will benefit from the guidance of lecturers with an extensive experience in the field of damage.

Target group

This course is addressed to the specialists in finding damage or to a person that wishes to practice this profession. In order to participate at this course, the candidate must have at least medium education completed with baccalaureate diploma.

It’s recommended at least one from below:

  • At least 6 months of professional experience in damage area (proven experience)
  • Graduates with a bachelor’s degree from the following: University of Transport, University of Railways.

Course objectives

At the end of the course, the candidate will acquire the theoretical knowledge and the practical skills needed in adjusting and sizing the damage in accordance with ASF 20/2017.


Cristian Dogan

Dorel Lăcătuș

Duration / Period

The course summarizes 120 hours, divided as following: 60 hours of theory (online and classroom) and 60 hours of practice, scheduled as follows:

Phase I – access to online platform in the period 01.11.2019-06.12.2019  with classroom sessions in 


Phase II – practical sessions in the period 06 - 18.12.2019

Phase III –  preparing the necessary documents for completing the course (technical project and practice certificates) in the period 16-18.12.2019

Phase IV – online test will be scheduled at the enrollment and project presentation in 19.12.2019


The necessary investment for this program is of 1000 lei / participant and includes: access to online platform and for the classromm sessions: ppt presentations, coffee breaks, lunch snack.

The course is completed with a Certificate of Graduation, obtained only if the following are met cumulatively:

  1. Minimum total attendance (classroom and online) of 75%
  2. Practice certificates
  3. Promotion of an online test
  4. Preparing and presentation of a technical project.

At the investment mentioned above will be added an addtional fee of 708 lei / participant for examination at the Center for Assessing the Competence of Specialists in Finding Damage (CESCD) in order to obtain the Certificate of Competencies.

For additional information and registration please contact Campion Expert Training:

Steliana Deaconu

Tel. 0731.131.314


Apply for course
Helpful information to complete the form.

 Newsletter ISF

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