Bucharest 21 November 2019 - 22 November 2019
Trainer: Alexandru CODESCU
Interdisciplinary course developed capital market - combating money laundering (AML) / Combating Financing of Terrorism CFT / international financial penalties (SFI)
The course is a detailed instruction about the standards, legal provisions and requirements applicable national and international in the field of combating money laundering (AML) / Combating finaţării terrorism (CFT), the report also issues concerning institutional responsibilities on the competent authorities to hold this area.
In terms of specific implications course shows punctual all the obligations and responsibilities of financial companies, officers of Conformity or its designees, while focusing issues specific operational elements indicative and institutional culture of AML / CFT.
The course is structured as a specialized training that can be done by all those who directly or tangentially in this area, particularly in light activity within financial firms.
Finally, the course offers specialized information for people who, by nature their responsibilities in a company, have direct relationships with customers, managing business relationships with them or have the power of approval or verification of transactions.
In addition to the presentation of the entire regulatory framework in this area, the course provides extensive knowledge of the international standards and how they should be implemented by reporting entities (financial corporations or DNFBPs).
The training program is addressed, without limitation:
• persons within the reporting entities with responsibilities in the application and statutory compliance (compliance officers and persons appointed);
• managers, directors or persons authorized approval of the transactions by the company on customer care responsibilities or other similar responsibilities;
• People who have responsibilities in internal control of a company;
• Persons operating compartment economic / finance of a company;
• auditors, consultants or others who hold similar qualities (professional).
The training program on preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing, and the application of international sanctions regime is such that:
• provides the knowledge necessary for understanding the phenomenon of money laundering and terrorist financing, in terms of profile culture and specific preventive measures;
• ensure an appropriate level of awareness of the risks in this area;
• monitoring mechanisms aimed at acquiring and analytical capacity necessary;
• presents relevant legislation, interpretation and correlation modules regulations;
• have international sanctions regime, applicability and subsequent responsibilities;
• create adequate prerequisites for identifying and analyzing suspicious transaction of money laundering and terrorist financing and their compliance with reporting requirements;
• provides the knowledge necessary for the proper application of customer due diligence measures (customer due diligence) measures EDD and SDD (enhanced due diligence / simplified due diligence)
- The main bodies of the AML / CFT
- International Standards Profile
- Obligations of states and systems / financial jurisdictions in this area
(B) national legislation in AML / CFT
- Primary legislation
- Secondary legislation (sectoral regulations)
- Next Steps (implementing Directive IV AML)
- The compliance officer / designees
- The scope of responsibility and operational elements (including structural)
- Interpretation of legal obligations in the AML / CFT
- Policies and procedures - effective implementation
- The analytical capacity, sources of information and preventive measures
- Module analytical profile and risk indicators - customer / transaction
- Case studies and typologies
Alexandru CODESCU- Money Laundering Prevention Service - Chancellery of the President ASF
Mr. Codescu by nature function, coordinate activity to prevent money laundering and financing of terrorism carried out by ASF for all three financial sectors surveyed.
Prior to the current position of the A.S.F. Mr. Codescu held the position of Director of Surveillance and Control of the National Office for Prevention and Control of Money Laundering, is representative of this institution which several institutional bodies. Between 2009 - 2013, Mr. Codescu held in the Council of Europe as member of the Standing Bureau of the MONEYVAL Committee (Committee of Experts on the Evaluation Measures for Combating Money Laundering and Financing Terorimului by exercising two consecutive terms granted by the vote expressed by Member States. During the work performed in this area, he participated in over 50 international missions of the Council of Europe, European Commission, Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, OSCE, etc. as an expert appraiser and / or the report.Currently, Mr. Codescu is a member or representative groups in almost all international profile of the European Commission or the European Supervisory Authorities.
The program includes 12 hours of training.
The investment for the program is 600 lei / participant + VAT and includes: course; coffee breaks; certificate of participation.
The above tariff is granted the following reductions: