
Programe de pregatire profesională continuă pentru specialiști constatare daune

Specialiștii constatare daune își desfășoară activitatea profesională în domeniul asigurărilor, în conformitate  cu  prevederile  legale  în  vigoare  și  cu  respectarea  cerințelor  privind  pregătirea profesi

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EIOPA - Proposal for a Report on Good Supervisory Practices regarding knowledge and ability requirements for distributors of insurance products

In 2013 EIOPA published - Proposal for a Report on Good Supervisory Practices regarding knowledge and ability requirements for distributors of insurance products EIOPA vision of good supervisory practice for a competent authority is to provide that distributors of insurance products have appropriat

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2016 certification sessions CII Romania

2016 certification sessions CII Romania

The Financial Studies Institute, as an examination center for the Chartered Insurance Institute (Center 706, Bucharest ), informs those interested that it is organising the following examination sessions for obtaining the CII certifications.April 201611/04/2016 time: 09.30 – 11.30/13.00 &ndash

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Xprimm Time for Business Conference - February 2, 2016

Media Xprimm held on February 2, 2016 the first edition of the Xprimm Time for Business conference within which were presented and analyzed the main legislative changes marking the insurance industry in 2016: implementation of Solvency II, the introduction of the fund resolution and changes in vocat

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ISF held on February 1, 2016 the workshop "The use of economic analysis in competition law enforcement"

On February 1, 2016 the Institute of Financial Studies held at its headquarters in Bucharest, the workshop "The use of economic analysis in competition law enforcement." The event was interactive in which the participants discussed aspects on the analyzes and remedies in cases of merger, competitio

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Directiva Parlamentului European și a Consiliului privind Distribuția de Asigurări (REFORMARE)

DIRECTIVA PARLAMENTULUI EUROPEAN ȘI A CONSILIULUI PRIVIND DISTRIBUȚIA DE ASIGURĂRI (REFORMARE)din 20 ianuarie 2016 În data de 20.01.2016 a fost adoptată reformarea Directivei 2002/92/CE a Parlamentului European și a Consiliului privind intermedierea de asigurări. Obiectul reformării &

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ANC authorisation for Risk administrator program

Institute of Financial Studies has obtained, on December 30, 2015 the authorization to organize training programs for Risk Administrator occupation, COR code 241240. Graduates of the NQA certified program, Risk Administrator (diplomas recognised by the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection

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ISF Scientific Council starts work

The Scientific Council of the Institute of Financial Studies begins work in January 2016, acting as Scientific Advisory for the current activity of the ISF.The mission of ISF is to provide support to organizations for their development and to institutions and individuals who are active or intend to

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Working meeting ISF - providers of educational programs in insurance

Institute of Financial Studies organizes in Bucharest, on 19 January 2016, at the Parliament Palace Hotel IBIS, Eliade conference room, between 10.00 and 12.00, a meeting  with providers of educational programs in insurance. This meeting aims to identify new solutions to optimize and continuou

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ASF has launched a guide for participants in Pillar III

ASF has launched a guide for participants in Pillar III

The FSA has published "Guidance participant in the voluntary pension system Pillar III", which includes information about this system, about how to join and pension payment. The guide contains a summary of the Fund for guaranteeing the rights of the private pension system and the procedure for subm

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Risk dashboard - ESMA - December 2015

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published in December 2015 a risk dashboard for the third quarter of 2015. According to ESMA’s analysis, systemic stress has increased during the reported period due to market uncertainty about the sovereign debt in the European Union and d

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Noua platformă pentru examinări online

Vă rugăm să accesați Platforma on-line aici și să urmați pașii menționați în Ghidul candidatului sau Ghidul angajatorului/furnizorului

Programe de pregatire profesională continuă pentru specialiști constatare daune

Specialiștii constatare daune își desfășoară activitatea profesională în domeniul asigurărilor, în conformitate cu prevederile legale în vigoare și cu respectarea cerințelor privind pregătirea profesională....Click aici pentru detalii >

Proiectul CertIDD – un nou proiect educational pentru piaţa de asigurări

Institutul de Studii Financiare anunță finalizarea celui de-al patrulea proiect educațional pentru piața de asigură...see all

Revista de Studii Financiare


Vă rugăm să accesați Platforma on-line aici și să urmați pașii menționați în Ghidul ...see all

Master de tehnici actuariale

The Insurance Distributor Manual has been published

The Institute of Financial Studies and specialists in the insurance market have developed and published the Insurance Di...see all

ISF - Accredited Training Partner of CISI

Actiune plantare - editia a doua

ISF organizeaza vineri 29 martie 2019  a doua editie a actiunii de ecologizare a padurilor, urmand astfel sa plante...see all



Bucureşti 25 martie  2019   Digitalizarea, automatizarea şi inovaţia în serviciile financiare, dar ...see all

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