ISF Scientific Council starts work

19 January 2016

The Scientific Council of the Institute of Financial Studies begins work in January 2016, acting as Scientific Advisory for the current activity of the ISF.
The mission of ISF is to provide support to organizations for their development and to institutions and individuals who are active or intend to work in insurance, pension funds and financial investments, or similar/related activities, as well as risk management, human resources and the organization.
The Institute aims to ensure the preparation, training and specialization of professional people working in financial services, providing professional certifications, developing occupational standards and assessment systems based on skills, studies and research services in the non-printing of publications, specialized drafting proposals of technical and professional principles applicable to the non-banking financial products and organization of information and education activities in the financial market, nationally and internationally.

To achieve these objectives, the Institute will work closely with the Scientific Council.
The role of the Scientific Council is advisory, to ensure a high level of quality and practical relevance of training programs and educational projects of the ISF. They do it by analyzing, debating and approving programs, facilitating access to best practices of ethics and professional performance and evaluating partnerships and collaborations in scientific, academic and professional training offered by the Institute.
With its support, the Institute wants to become a reference source in education, training and financial information, best practices in applying fiduciary ethical and professional standards, all in order to protect customer interest in financial markets through dedication for the common good of society and protecting the public interest in the functioning of financial markets.

The Scientific Council of the Institute of Financial Studies has the following structure (ASF approved on 16 December 2015):

  • Prof. G Dumitru Badea, PhD President
  • Prof. Dan Constantinescu, PhD
  • Conf. Radu Răduţ, PhD
  • Lecturer Adrian T. Mitroi, PhD, CFA
  • Lecturer Iulian Panait, PhD

Lucian Albu and Moisa Altar were appointed honorary members. According to ISF statutes, the Scientific Council shall be responsible for ensuring the Board of Directors and the entire team support operational ISF:

  • analyzing, debating and endorsing the ISF programs, both ongoing and new, in the following ways: thematic content, speakers, duration 
  • facilitating access to best practices in the financial and translate them into training programs;
  • advising on partnerships and collaborations with institutions of the same profile, national and international, to organize joint training programs, conferences, workshops, study tours etc; 
  • communicating with financial institutions in the market; 
  • specialty collecting information through national and international structures, in order to update training programs, continuously raising the level of staff training of Romanian financial system.

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