3 February 2016
On February 1, 2016 the Institute of Financial Studies held at its headquarters in Bucharest, the workshop "The use of economic analysis in competition law enforcement."
The event was interactive in which the participants discussed aspects on the analyzes and remedies in cases of merger, competition legislation at European and national level, using statistics and probability theory to detect bid rigging in public procurement and case studies encountered in Romania, the US and the European Union.
The workshop attended by representatives of insurance companies and law firms has been presented by Mr. Michael Buşu, PhD in Mathematics, and specialization in both Statistics and Economics, with a specialization in Management, having 15 years of experience in academic field and 6 years of experience in competition domain at the Competition Council, Department of Research - Synthesis.
Information submitted in this workshop will be detailed in the next period through a series of educational programs dedicated practitioners and persons responsible for the management of the companies, consulting firms and law firms competition. The first program of the series, on "Anti-competitive practices of enterprises and indicators of market concentration" will be held on February 26, 2016 in Bucharest. More details here.
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