The second edition of the event "Be smart!"

22 March 2016

The Financial Supervision Authority (ASF) and the Institute of Financial Studies (ISF) held Saturday, 19/3/2016, the second edition of the event ”Be Smart!”, financial education dedicated to children of professionals in financial regulated markets.

The event was part of the ASF agenda for financial education in pre-university studies and ISF continuous financial education agenda, also marking the end of the series of events within Global Money Week, organized in Romania for the financial market.

Just like on the first edition of the program, the children learned, by methods appropriate to their age and in a casual and friendly setting, about financial planning, financial responsibility, risk, needs, what is the insurance, what does it mean to „invest in the future”.

It was remarkable that, faced with simulations, children imagined different ways of earning pocket money and then spent them, hypothetically, for their wishes and needs. They learned useful concepts as balancing revenues and expenditures and how to get involved in financial planning. Saving, investing and hedging are concepts that come into their vocabulary from now on.

Already, with this new edition, parents began to know what is happening at this event and respond very quickly in terms of their agreements for their children participation.

Stimulating children's creativity in tackling and solving practical problems will lead to benefits in their future lives.

Financial education is a necessary concept for the development of future generations, and ISF and ASF took a long-term engagement in this project.

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