The first FREE SEMINAR, for people who passed the exam for continuous professional training, was a success

8 March 2016

The Institute of Financial Studies (ISF) has organized the educational event "Customer-centered Communication", a 3 hours seminar that aims to highlight the importance of how we choose to communicate with our clients, providing support to people in sales in order to center their message on the customer and therefore, increase efficiency in verbal and written communication.

The event offered free by ISF was addressed to those who have passed the exam in continuous professional training with ISF programs during the last year, in 2015.

The event took place in Bucharest, at UZINEXPORT ROMANIA on March 3rd, 2016. The seminar, attended by 30 professionals from several banking and insurance companies, discussed issues concerning the identification of patterns of communication for customers and adapting verbal and written communication to these patterns, management roles played by members of a committee decision in a sales meeting, "specialized" interaction with customers, all of which were exemplified by group discussions, interactive video-training and case studies.

Speaker for this event is Medreg Rares, a graduate of the Faculty of Economics, Specialization in Finance - Insurance and Master in Human Resource Management. He has sales experience in insurance, management, training and business consulting. He is an accredited lecturer by ASF, speaker, coach and holds certification in project management and LIFO® (behavioral analysis method). For the last 13 years, Rares has provided training and was a consultant for 30 companies from different industries - insurance, banking, private pensions, IT, government institutions, auto and medical.

People who failed to attend this session, and wish to re-schedule, may request it by e-mail to ,indicating their intention to participate at "The FREE Seminar for people who passed the continuous training exam". Please note that scheduling seats will be in the order of registration, so do not hesitate to contact us.


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