25 February 2016
One of the priorities of the European Commission is to have a solid, well integrated and equitable market. Economic development raises a number of questions for the consumer: where we keep our money, how we save for old age, how to buy a house or other properties, how to ensure ourselves or how we ensure our properties in case of health problems or accidents. The development of effective European markets for these services will increase consumer choices, will successfully enable providers to offer their services throughout the EU and will support new market actors and innovation. Only a small part of retail financial services purchases is carried out across borders.
The digitalization process is a support for the consumer - developing new business models and services through technology; facilitating access to information for potential consumers, reducing the time spent in finding the best product. We can therefore talk about strengthening customer confidence, making products simple and easy to understand and establishing general comfort as a result of investment protection and free movement of goods. An improved retail financial services market would also create new market opportunities for suppliers, supporting economic growth for European countries and create new jobs.
A short analysis of the current state of cross-border retail financial services markets identifies a few issues:
These issues are caused by the degree of conservatism of customers that do not trust the new products or do not know of their existence.
Through online systems and the specific applications of internet banking, financial services companies increasingly offer optimized products based on customer needs. All these technological improvements lead to rapid access and facilitate access to cross-border operations, which is more effective for consumers and improves comparability of products/services.
Thus we can identify the following:
Deployment and expansion of cross-border distribution solutions include:
Despite the efforts of the European Commission, in order to gain easy access to these products, there must be involvement and availability from customers in order to access the information and get high quality financial education.
Planificarea examenelor de certificare pentru distribuitori
Noua platformă pentru examinări online
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