17 October 2018
General description
One of the main concerns that listed companies have on the capital market is related to the access to shareholders of people who will frustrate the company's activity by promoting litigation. Companies subject to a special watch regime (regulated entities) share the same fears and sometimes the same fate. Disputes are additional costs, operational and reputational risks, missed opportunities.
The seminar will analyze both the relationship between the company and its shareholders, as well as the tools that society can use to defend itself from disputes with shareholders. Examples will be given and such cases of litigation in Romania and abroad (including ECHR practice) will be analyzed and how they have been managed by companies and courts.
Participants in the course will understand the means and limits of their protection against litigation, how to prevent shocking litigation, how to identify activist shareholders before litigation against society and how best to manage them effective such disputes after they have been promoted.
Planificarea examenelor de certificare pentru distribuitori
Noua platformă pentru examinări online
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