We educate market actors so as to become a whole

11 November 2015

Calin Rangu, ASF updates which IDD directive will bring to market the Directive Implementation in Insurance Distribution (IDD) will bring significant changes in the profile market in the European Union, including in Romania, focusing on consumer protection.
"For the consumer there will be more benefits, given that every man will in this market will have to understand what the ethics of the profession and be checked as a system of governance professional, to understand that the goal is not to get a commission and a bonus at the end of the year without informing correctly and without respecting the rights of consumers. The changes will be quite radical in the market and, for this reason, training is very important. IDD states that employees market possess knowledge and skills, ie the concept of skills, not just accumulate knowledge simple, "said Calin Rangu, president of the Institute of Financial Studies (ISF).
He said that, in general, the Romanian market is fairly well regulated in terms of training, such as IDD will not bring radical change further in this respect, but will clarify certain aspects of professional training, ie how many hours of training will Insurance market specialists do when they do these courses and how it will apply a general template available at European level.
Regarding continuous professional training, the specialists want to follow a number of hours per year, will receive a credit for each time point. "You should apply for this loan scheme is a general model, including in Romania. There are many organizations that have regulated continuous professional training system loans," said Calin Rangu.
The consumer will benefit from these new regulations that make the market better be professionally trained to better understand how to work with the end consumer, so everyone could win. "We need to get to a win-win model."
Rangu Calin said that training will close a cycle that ASF beginning this fall through financial education program, in partnership with the Ministry of Education. "I started to train children from next year begin with students and the public. Basically, train consumers and, separately, by ISF and institutes skills training and other trainers market, are trained and sellers," he added.
ISF President emphasized that consumers need to be educated and to understand what they buy. "Educated and market actors so as to be a whole, which will see probably in the medium term, not right away," said Calin Rangu.

Source:Calin RANGU, ISF despre schimbarile pe care directiva IDD le va aduce la nivelul pietei

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