The scope of ISF is to offer value-added programs for continuous professional development

5 November 2015

Calin Rangu, ISF President - Institute for Financial Studies, said that one of the goals of 2016 is to complete the reorganization of the institute, which will be completed probably in March.
"The first step (2016 - Is the completion of the reorganization. Now we are in the process of selecting the CEO, is in the last phase of the first 5 candidates selected to participate in socio-professional interview. We hope that from 1 December to we have a new CEO, "said Calin Rangu in the show XPRIMM Time for Business, aired every Thursday on
"At the same time unfolds reorganization in the ISF by organizing competitions for internal and then external, where appropriate, all positions on the establishment of the Institute to bring new life to the organization. After completion of the reorganization, which we hope to close in December 2015, at least for the selection of domestic follows that in January and February 2016 to conduct external competitions. So from March 1 we can say that we have a new structure in which the new Director General, who was even asked during this socio-professional competition to present a management plan, begin to implement the strategy. As a premiere, we will establish a scientific committee of the ISF whose external selection is ongoing, "said ISF President.
It showed that, after completion of the reorganization, the ISF will be able to dedicate himself totally professional training, proposing courses added value on several levels. "Besides courses specific financial, we want to get on the" soft skills "because people, including managers, has to have some additional skills, not just professional ones. And here we move towards implementation of the concept of competence. Competence on a subject represents aggregated set of knowledge, skills and abilities, "said Calin Rangu.
He stressed that the goal is to bring value-added ISF chiro permanent training programs. "We'll make training quite a lot, but we prefer to do, for example, when there is a new regulation and can explain exactly what it means. We have courses added value directly, which are found difficult market. Probably He'll sometimes even lecturers from abroad, "he said.
"ISF wants to play a role including social, since it is an institute of a supervisory authority, and our role must not be commercial. We do not want to compete with other trainers, but to work with them. There we will address the market with mandatory courses required minimum required by law, but with complementary courses, events, seminars, conferences, define and propose occupational standards afernete financial markets (eg insurance are almost complete) evaluation systems competency to ensure market examination platform that will help to reduce bureaucracy and formalism current review, to create a system for evaluating competency examination instead of just knowledge, "said ISF President.
Calin Rangu recalled that ISF - Institute for Financial Studies is a new institution, but with an old tradition, since it was formed this year through the merger of two institutes tradition in Romania - Institute of Insurance Management (IMA) and the Insurance Institute (IA), are pending the receipt of new members from the capital markets or other associations

Watch the interview here.

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