20 March 2019
On March 13, 2019, the Board of Financial Supervision Authority approved the Methodology for the Certification of Professional Training of Insurance and / or Reinsurance Distributors, the categories of fees practiced by the Institute of Financial Studies (ISF) and their level.
The above-mentioned methodology was developed by the Institute of Financial Studies, according to the Norms of the A.S.F. no. 20/2018 on the professional training of persons involved in the distribution activity.
The methodology for certifying the professional training of insurance and / or reinsurance distributors and the Procedure for certification of employees of insurance and / or reinsurance distribution companies are published on the ISF website at https://isfin.ro/Evaluari/metodologie -distributor
Planificarea examenelor de certificare pentru distribuitori
Noua platformă pentru examinări online
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