The main topics debated at the ECFS 2017 Conference

24 October 2017

The Institute for Financial Studies-ISF,  "Petru Maior" University and the Romanian Society for Research for Public and Private Affairs from Tîrgu-Mureș organized the European Conference for Financial Services (European Conference on Financial Services-ECFS 2017) from October 19 to 20 , in Brasov.

The event, dedicated to professionals financial services, was supported by the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest, Transylvania University of Brasov, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca and the Romanian Association of Law and European Affairs (ARDAE) and by the Association for Arbitration and Mediation in Insurance (ACAMA) in Bucharest.

The European Conference of Financial Services comprised eight discussion panels divided over two days, being analyzed topical subjects. The first day of debates began with the "Personal Data Protection Panel", where representatives of insurance companies, insurance intermediaries, financial investment companies and academics discussed practical aspects of the steps needed ensuring compliance with the GDPR, the role and qualifications of the DPO.

Speakers from the Alternative Dispute Resolution panel have surprised the main forms of settlement, taking into account the advantages of each of them - conciliation, arbitration and mediation. At the end of the first day, the "Challenges in Insurance Intermediation" organized with the support of PRBAR surprised some of the current themes - focused proposals to improve the coverage of mandatory house insurance, the direct settlement mechanism in RCA insurance, the PRBAR Academy project as well as the Summer School 2018 organized in partnership with ISF - PRBAR.

On the second day of the ECFS Conference, "Risk and Financial Risk Insurance Panel" presented risks considered exotic, niche, but increasingly useful. At the same time, the Securities Issues Panel was held, in which aspects related to the prevention of abusive practices as well as financial reporting required by the responsible entities were mentioned.

Also, on the occasion of the "Financial Services Law" panel, were brought into question national security aspects, negotiating contracts, and financial education, matters which should be introduced in the school curriculum of the primary classes. The "Life Insurance and Private Pensions Panel" closed the European Conference of Financial Services, bringing to discussion alternatives that employers can offer their own staff to increase their loyalty: health insurance and / or private pensions.

Last but not least, during the event took place the launch of the book "Personal Data Protection" by Irina ALEXE, Nicolae-Dragos PLOESTEANU and Daniel-Mihail SANDRU.


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