The launch of the practical guide "Risk Management - Personal data protection and information security within the organization"

19 November 2019


The Institute of Financial Studies announces the launch of the practical guide "Risk Management - Personal data protection and information security within the organization", authors Theodor Adam, Larisa Găbudeanu and Vasile Victor Rotaru. The guide was launched at the International Conference of ISF "Professional competences for new generations of employees" held on Thursday, November 14.2019 at the Hilton Hotel Bucharest.

About the authors:

Victor Rotaru - IT expert and PDO, with a wealth of experience in information security management and operational management, with international, multicultural experience, within renowned banking groups as well as experience as a lecturer at the IBR (Romanian Banking Institute) and ISF (Institute of Financial Studies).


Larisa Găbudeanu - specialist in data protection, having a rich experience as a lawyer in an international law firm, assisting international clients and coordinating projects on banking law, computer law and personal data protection. To these are added the knowledge on information security and risk management accumulated within a regional banking group, as well as specialized studies (in addition to graduating the Law Faculty from the University of Bucharest, Larisa graduated the Faculty of Informatics from the University of Bucharest and is on completion of the master's degree in Information Security within the Faculty of Cybernetics).


Theodor Adam - He is a graduate of the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science. (UPB 1995) and the Postgraduate School of Management Studies (2002), he worked in the IT, insurance and legal services industries (as an engineer for IBM, IT director for NN / ING Asigurazioni and Kinstellar). With 24 years experience in IT and 19 years in management, he taught technical courses from IBM Romania and led IT organizations in NN and Kinstellar. Areas of expertise: managing application development processes, infrastructure, business continuity and disaster recovery, strategic planning, goal management, project management, IT operations.

The guide can be ordered at:

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