The Conference "Traffic safety - a realizable objective" - topics discussed

19 March 2018

The Institute of Financial Studies in partnership with the Romanian Motor Insurers' Bureau (BAAR) organized on March 5, 2018 at the Sheraton Hotel in Bucharest, the National Road Safety Conference - a feasible desideratum "

The event was attended by about 120 people, including officials from the Financial Supervisory Authority, specialists from BAAR member companies, representatives of the Romanian Road Police and the Romanian Auto Registry, car experts, insurance brokers and media representatives.

The works of the conference were opened by Mr. Leonardo Badea, President of the ASF, who stressed the importance of the topic under discussion as a factor for identifying viable solutions for the reduction of the number of traffic accidents, in the context of Romania having an unwanted second place in the EU, in terms of the number of deaths from road accidents.

The ASF president also mentioned the role of ISF as a key institution in the professional training and specialization of those working in the field of automotive damages, as well as in organizing information and education activities in the financial field. The intensification of the information efforts of the population through events and programs carried out by ISF was also mentioned by Mr. Cornel Coca Constantinescu, vice president of ASF.

After a brief radiography of the insurance market, he stressed that the insurance consumer is at the heart of the Financial Supervisory Authority's concerns: "I believe that the Romanian consumer's perception of insurance has changed significantly. Why? Because we have a new RCA insurance law, we have a law where the client is put in the forefront ", said vice president of ASF.

In his turn, Mădălin Roşu, President of BAAR, presented the main achievements of the Bureau in 2017, among which we mention the taking over of the FPVS attributions by the institution, the modification of the Association Statute, as well as the administration of the RCA database (CEDAM) . The BAAR President also mentioned that the Bureau's 2018 objectives include launching the digitization process of the institution and organizing a conference with international participation this autumn.

The Road Safety Conference - a feasible desideratum included two different themes. In the first one, entitled "Telematics - Road Safety Impacts", participants could learn about how different telematics applications can help increase traffic safety, educate drivers in the spirit of prudent and predictable driving behavior, and impact introducing these new technologies into insurance policy costs.

The second section of the event focused on the issue of road safety and identifying solutions to improve it. Speakers' speeches and interactive panel interventions focused on the presentation of sociological studies and opinion polls that highlighted the public perception of the causes of traffic accidents, the importance of traffic signaling and warning in traffic, the role of prevention and support for police workers in the course of an unplanned traffic on national roads.




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