17 December 2015
During the seminar The protection of policyholders. European trends and guidelines organized by the Institute of Financial Studies in collaboration with DAW Broker Management, on December 8th, 2015 were presented:
1. European vision for the protection of policyholders;
2. The directives on insurance solvency (Solvency I, Solvency II) and their implications for policyholders protection from EU;
3. Issues directly related to the protection of policyholders;
4. The distribution of insurance products and post-sale activities, in terms of protection of policyholders. IMD Mediation;
5. Insurance Guarantee Schemes (IGS). Policyholders Guarantee Fund in Romania.
The objective of this seminar was that participants gain an overview of the changes that will occur in the insurance market in Romania since 2016 as a result of the amendment of European legislation regarding the protection of security, both through new valuation rules insurers (Solvency 2 Directive) and through the establishment of common obligations for intermediaries (IMD 2). They were raised variants guarantee schemes from different European countries and how European countries address the catastrophic risk insurance. Participants received updated and important information which will prove their utility during the year 2016. The seminar was interactive with interactive discussions on the presentation.
The seminar "Protection of policyholders. European trends and guidelines" was addressed mainly to managers of insurance companies and managers of insurance intermediation companies and was presented by Mr. Silviu Măcrineanu a FSA certified lecturer (L-0304).
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Noua platformă pentru examinări online
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