15 July 2016
As of 07.19.2016, the Institute for Financial Studies (I.S.F.) launches the Centre for assessment and certification for conciliators in non-banking financial sector (EC SAL-Fin).
The newly created Center provides evaluation and certification of skills for people who want to operate conciliation under SAL-Fin entity, according to ASF Regulation No.4/2016 on the organization and functioning of Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity in the financial non-banking (SAL-Fin) and who have not completed courses in mediation / conciliation / arbitration / ADR / settlement of disputes through judicial procedure.
The Assessment Center SAL-Fin can enroll only those people who can prove at least 4 years of professional experience in the areas covered by A.S.F. or have engaged in specific A.S.F. activities.
The Center offers the opportunity for industry professionals, interested in becoming non-banking financial services conciliators, to certify that occupation specific skills were acquired in other ways than formal.
Occupation of conciliator in the financial and non-banking system was regulated by Regulation of ASF 4/2016, following the creation of SAL-Fin entity under ASF, following the implementation of the listed guidelines, published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 383 of May 19, 2016.
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