Practical seminar "Sales techniques for insurance products"

24 November 2016

Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) brings together with the implementation, the obligation of all persons who provide counseling services / selling insurance products to have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide quality information "fair, clear and which does not deceive" the consumers, regardless of the sales channel they operate.

In this context, The Institute of Financial Studies organizes the practical seminar "Sales techniques for insurance products" on 12.05.2016, between 14.00-18.00 at Hotel Perla in Timisoara, Archpriest George Dragomir Street No.7.

The seminar addresses employees of insurance companies; employees of companies in the insurance intermediary; insurance agents; Others within the sales force.
Program topics will include presentations but mainly there will be used by trainers: exercises, case studies and roleplay sites.

The seminar will be sustained by Mrs. Cristina Silivestru, ASF authorized lecturer and NN Life Insurance Agency Manager from 2012 to the present, with extensive experience in life insurance sales, pensions, funding education for children; the recruitment and selection of future employees; the training of sales personnel department.

Participation fee for the event is 200 lei + VAT and provides access for up to 4 people from the same company. This fee includes: folder event with its agenda, lecturers presentation, promotional materials, coffee break.

Registration shall be made by e-mail:

Contact person: Adriana Artenie, ISF Regional Manager - Timisoara Branch, Mobile: 0758,491,990.


Kind regards,

ISF team

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