6 October 2016
12th series of the master "Actuarial techniques" started in force with a number of 28 participants enrolled.
Yesterday, October 5, was held the official opening of the new school year, in the building -Victor Slăvescu from A.S.E. Bucharest.
In addition to administrative information, masters form first year, and from the second year, had the opportunity to know the latest news and opportunities brought by TACT in 2016.
Teachers and people with experience in actuarial from Romania, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain, Portugal will hold courses and lectures within the program.
At the event, the ISF rewarded the master outstanding results obtained in 2014-2016 and 2015-2017 series with diplomas and prizes.
A year with many achievements for all masters!
Planificarea examenelor de certificare pentru distribuitori
Noua platformă pentru examinări online
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