Occupational standards - a crossroads in education and training

3 November 2015

The second presentation at the EIET Conference - European Conference of National Institutes for Professional Education in Insurance on „Acquiring competence to protect and serve the customers” belonged to Mr. Nicolae POSTĂVARU, the president of the National Qualification Authority who presented the mechanism of establishing the professional requirements that the persons active on the labor market in Romania must meet, the manner of developing and approving occupational standards.

During its presentation, Mr. Nicolae POSTAVARU, President of the National Qualifications Authority, stated that a new teaching model must be established in Romania, one that will increase the involvement of the labor market in the education field in the sense that the labor market should define the base of the requirements that the future employees must meet when employed.

The main idea of the presentation is that the requirements established by the labor market shall be used when the education system elaborates the occupational standards (curricula) for every profession.

In Romania, the occupational standards starts from the profession/occupation’s requirements then the employers and the advisers are verifying if the standard meets the needs of the labor market and only after this stage it is approved by the National Qualifications Authority.

Thus, the main aim of this new training model, established within the last 3 years, is to increase the quality of education in order to ensure the mobility of students and/or employees among the E.U. countries.

The full presentation may be accesed here.

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