6 October 2017


Bucharest, October 6, 2017 - Automotive damage experts with at least three years' experience can register for the assessment of professional competencies at the Institute of Financial Studies (ISF) and the others on the examination of competencies by ISF following participation in initial training for this profession regulated by the ASF.   According to the ASF Norm no. 20/2017, regarding Romanian motor insurance, to be approved by the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF), the persons performing the damages must have the certificate of competences on occupational profile specialist damages, issued by ISF.

All damage recorders must be certified by June 2018, according to legal provisions.
In order to be able to qualify for the assessment of competence, the damage assessors must have at least three years' professional experience in the field of damages; not to have economic or corrupt facts registered in the fiscal record, to present the professional portfolio, as well as other documents requested for registration (CV in Europass, copy of BI / CI, copy of the last degree of studies, etc.).
Persons who have no professional experience in the field of damages of at least three years can obtain the certificate of competency only after completing the training program in the field of damages at ISF or one of the providers of insurance education programs authorized by the ASF.

For more details click here.

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