Monday, March 5, 2018 Traffic safety - a realistic objective

2 March 2018

Mr. Leonardo BADEA, President of Financial Supervision Authority (FSA), and Mr. Cornel COCA CONSTANTINESCU, Vice President, Insurance and Reinsurance Sector, FSA, will open the debates of the conference "Traffic Safety - A Realistic Objective", an event organized by the Romanian Motor Insurance Bureau of Romania (BAAR) and the Institute of Financial Studies (ISF), to be held on Monday, March 5, 2018 at 9.00, at the Sheraton Hotel in Bucharest.

The event has the honor of receiving as speakers and panelists, recognized specialists from the insurance market, representatives of the Road Police, the Romanian Motor Registry (RAR) as well as guests from abroad. Among them, Mr.Babas OLABINRI, co-founder of Chat2it Ltd, the company involved in promoting new technologies in the field of road safety.

 "The conference is part of a cycle of events in the Bureau's calendar this year, starting from the assumed mission of contributing to increasing road safety on public roads and educating drivers in a responsible and preventive driving behavior" said Mr. Madalin ROSU, Chairman of BAAR's Board of Directors.

 In turn, Mr. Calin RANGU, Chairman of the ISF’s Board of Directors, added: "As a center of excellence in identifying financial market trends and translating into professional training programs, ISF is honored to be Partner  of this event to find the best competencies and solutions in the identification, prevention and coverage of road hazards, including through the use of innovative technologies. "

 The conference will be moderated by the well-known economic journalists Sorin PASLARU and Constantin RUDNITCHI.


The event is sponsored by Mobil Eye, Auto DNA and has the support of APPA as Media partner.



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