Late Summer School ISF 2018

16 October 2018

The Institute of Financial Studies (ISF) in partnership with PRBAR Academy had the pleasure of organizing the first edition of the ISF 2018 Summer School. It was organized in Mamaia at the Iaki Hotel, where we had the opportunity to meet participants from the insurance and broker societies, people with over twenty years of experience in this field.

At this year’s Summer School, two social skills topics were presented: "The Talking Trees" - a workshop hosted by Romeo Jantea, where participants were placed in difficult negotiation situations and were presented with innovative techniques related to the settlement of a negotiation in a possible conflicting situation.

The second topic was related to "Neuroscience in Sales and Management" - a workshop hosted by Rares Medrega. This workshop presented the importance of applications in practice and the findings of neuroscience, providing an invaluable picture of processing models of information by the human brain and how these models can influence sales and management strategies. Knowing and mastering this knowledge by the seller therefore leads to the indisputable stimulation and growth of sales and the improvement of how management is done in organizations.


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