26 January 2017
Starting with January 2017, the Institute of Financial Studies became a member of LOMA, an international trade association for the insurance and financial services industry. For nearly 100 years, LOMA has been the trusted source for industry knowledge. LOMA objectivity allows it to collect and share data, provide reliable research and develop best practices.
LOMA serves nearly 1,200 insurance and financial services companies from over 80 countries around the world.
With LOMA membership, the Institute of Financial Studies will stay abreast of current industry trends, regulations, emerging technologies and best learning practices in the industry which will be shared with local market.
During the following period, the list of online courses developed by LOMA will become active on the ISF website and those interested can sign up to them through the institute.
More details about LOMA are here.
Planificarea examenelor de certificare pentru distribuitori
Noua platformă pentru examinări online
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