Invitation to participate in the study "Financial Behavior and Financial Welfare"

24 April 2018

Invitation to participate in the study "Financial Behavior and Financial Welfare"

On Thursday, April 19, 2018, the Institute of Financial Studies participated in the research project on the Financial Education - Healthy Behavior - Financial Welfare behaviour, developed by the Faculty of Administration and Business (University of Bucharest), through the Master's program Behavioral Economics. The project is initiated by Cecilia Băsu, a student of the program and also a trainer of personal finance and business consultant, and is run in partnership with the Romanian Association for Reconstruction and Social Infrastructure (ARRIS).

The event was also attended by representatives of some specialized institutions such as the National Bank of Romania, the Financial Supervision Authority, the Association of Romanian Fund Managers, financial and banking specialists, representatives from the business and academic environment. Beyond participation, they expressed their intention to support the project by disseminating the questionnaire as widely as possible.

In this sense, the questionnaire, which can be completed longer in no more than 10 minutes, can be accessed here:

The aim of the study is to identify the relevance of complementary methods of intervention to improve financial behavior, and to capitalize on the knowledge gained through classical financial education.

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