Insurance Summer School

23 September 2019

Thursday, September 26, 2019, the Institute of Financial Studies and PRBAR is organizing the second edition of Insurance Summer School. The event will take place at Hotel Iaki, Mamaia, Constanța County. The program of the four workshops is as follows:

The impact of emotional intelligence (EQ) on career and business
Trainer: Dan Irimia

Emotions are present daily in our lives and are the ones that motivate and set us in motion. Emotions cannot be started or stopped on command, but they can be influenced or even controlled by us. How can we do that? By raising the level of emotional intelligence (EQ) that leads to increased psychological safety in the organization, this has a major impact on performance and generates a high level of creativity, innovation, involvement and job satisfaction.

Preventive approach at individual level of the GDPR
Trainer: Maria GANEA-BOGHIAN

Within the program will be treated the general notions for all, with examples, regarding the legality of DCP processing, GDPR principles and the role of internal DPO / DPO function within the organization, examples of sanctions applied, in light of the latest documents published by the authorities in the field. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of each member within the organization in order to achieve and maintain GDPR compliance and on the preventive actions that each can take.

Trainer: Nicolae AVRAM
For general principles of professional ethics, expertise and professionalism, integrity, transparency, professional ethics, responsibility and objectivity in the insurance distribution activity. The good practice guide includes notions regarding personnel policy, pre-contractual information and other elements necessary to ensure a distribution process oriented to the client's interests. From 17.00-17.45 Organizational management of an insurance brokerage companyTrainer: Antonio BABETIPTo illustrate the organizational management of an insurance brokerage company, with exclusively Romanian capital, it is necessary to detail the entire organizational system. The company's strategy, as well as the resources, objectives and mission are equally relevant. The management system of the organization comprises several subsystems of decisional character and not only. Human resources play an essential role in the organization, having an important and special character. Another decisive chapter within a company is the organizational culture, an intensely debated aspect including among the specialized authors. And as without managers and leaders, the organization cannot exist and implicitly performance, we will also approach this topic, focusing on the role, competencies, characteristics and relationships of a manager.

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