Institute of Financial Studies, now Accredited Training Partner for Romania of The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI)

5 July 2016


The title of CISI Accredited Training Partner in Romania has been granted to the Institute of Financial Studies by the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment, as it can be seen on the partner’s website here.

The Accredited Training Partner of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is a key feature of quality assurance requirements and the purpose of this partnership is to enable providers to demonstrate that they comply with the quality requirements envisaged by CISI, as The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment is the leading professional body for securities & investment practitioners.

The CISI has a rigorous process for accrediting its training providers, in the UK and internationally. CISI only recommends those training providers that it accredits, and they are the only training providers listed on the official CISI website.

The Accredited Training Partners (ATPs) in general and the Institute of Financial Studies (ISF) in particular, have proven that they have the appropriate expertise and resources to support candidates undertaking CISI examinations, and they are subject to an annual review. The CISI does not offer training for candidates preparing to sit CISI exams, instead, the Institute accredits external partners to do so. ”All our ATPs have attained a benchmark standard for approval which enables candidates, their employers and regulators to have confidence in the training offered.”

ISF is delighted to be the accredited training partner for CISI in Romania, as it stands for the belief that courses and accreditations such as the wealth management and investment certificate are crucial in helping Romanian professionals to gaining skills and recognition, which will enable them to pursue a career in the non-banking financial services like securities and investment industry, and contribute to Romania’s economy by financing development, both through personal and business growth.

This autumn, the Institute of Financial Studies will mark the starting of the partnership in early fall by offering an interesting interactive workshop on Integrity and Ethics, exploring real-life ethical challenges, examining the importance of trust, and using case studies from sports, politics, business and, of course, financial services to demonstrate the reputational cost of ethical misconduct, showing that Integrity needs to be part of a firm’s culture. Discussions and debates will make this a lively and interactive workshop. The main benefits of the program will be the debates on ethical dilemmas, that will allow the audience to choose the best solution, bearing in mind the values of honesty, openness, transparency and fairness, using individual voting machines, get understanding that professionalism is a combination of knowledge, skills and integrity and that integrity and trust are important and necessary components for firms operating in global centers.

During the remaining period of this year, ISF will also enter preparation stage for offering specialized training courses on subjects like:

  • International Certificate in Wealth & Investment Management
  • Foundation - Introduction to Securities and Investment
  • International - Introduction to Securities & Investment
  • Fundamentals of Financial Services
  • Securities
  • Derivatives
  • Investment Management (Level 4)
  • Risk in Financial Services
  • Collective Investment Scheme Administration
  • Combating Financial Crime
  • Managing Operational Risk in Financial Institutions
  • OTC Derivatives Administration
  • Financial Markets

The CISI has been dedicated to professionalism since it emerged from the London Stock Exchange in 1992, and is encouraging all of its members, and all who strive for the highest professional standards, to stand tall – proud of the values they hold and the work they do each day.

To all interested professionals, we are advising you to use as many communication channels as possible in order to follow ISF’s online footprint, and make sure you are the first to know about the partnership start, and participate in the piloting programs.


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