17 March 2016
Starting April 1, 2016, examination fees are paid only ISF account opened at BRD, RO74BRDE445SV40806574450.
Billing fees collected by the Institute for preparing monthly tax returns, according the Ministry of Finance is required to be identified CNP / CUI-payer on the statement of BRD. In this regard, it is necessary that individuals / legal entities who pay the fee by bank transfer to mention CNP / CUI- the section: payment details. Otherwise it will not be able to make correct invoicing. Validating Joined examination sessions can only be done if CNP / CUI the payer is found on BRD statement or invoice issued by the ISF. It is recommended that the fee / examination fees to pay exam in May, avoid advance payments.
For if the payer makes the payment for more candidates shall be attached data table for candidates who paid the examination fee (including their social security number).
People who pay the fee account ISF, RO74BRDE445SV40806574450 by BRD cashier, bank officer must expressly request to complete CNP / CUI's section: payment details.
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