Happy Women's Day!

8 March 2016

Women are well known for their adaptive skills, as they had and were able to adapt to the harshest conditions and difficulties of life and had also to be wary and cautious whenever the situation has imposed it. They are noble beings by their primary role as mothers, and in time they have struggled with several prejudices, but finally in modern times they became strong, independent and, in many cases, business leaders. Like men, they skilfully manage those businesses, but their success can also come because they do not expose to exentricity and unjustified risks - as some men tend to do.

Next, we would like to show some facts and figures that we found interesting and relevant to the topic "Women in Business":

  • Women create more jobs than men. It is expected that, by 2018, women will create more than half of the jobs estimated for SMEs;
  • They are more efficient (or cost-effective). An average woman uses 40% less capital to start a business than a man;
  • Failure rate is lower in women than in men. Their businesses have a better survival rate of their business, starting with its foundation and going until its market stabilization;
  • In Romania, there are over 200,000 women holding, as majority shareholders, various businesses. A top 5 counties, for firms with majority female shareholders, places, with no surprise, Bucharest as the first one.


No of firms with majority shareholders as women











  • Also, in Romania there are over 1,000 companies with majority shareholders as women of other nationalities.


Both women in general, and also to women entrepreneurs, we send our good thoughts and we invite them to stay optimistic, strong and to continue to demonstrate that they can build a career at least in the same fields as men.

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