Global Money Week in Romania

18 March 2016

On March 14th, 2016, the President of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF), Mr. Misu Negritoiu, together with a group of students from the pre-university education that are included in ASF’s financial education program, have participated in the opening of the trading session of the Bucharest Stock Exchange to mark the start of Global Money Week in Romania.

ASF joins this initiative, which runs internationally between 14 and 22 March 2016, in order to support and promote the importance of education and financial inclusion of young people.

“We are very anxious to find solutions for an optimal functioning of non-banking financial markets, and education in this area represents an important pillar. Therefore, I believe that it is never too early to learn how to take correct financial decisions. A higher level of consumer financial education means a stimulus to increase quality of non-banking financial products and services, while contributing to the maturation and consolidation of a whole system”, as ASF’s President, Mr. Misu Negritoiu, stated.  

In 2015, as part of Global Money Week, the initiative mobilized nearly 1,000 organizations in 125 countries and involved a number of 5.6 million children and teenagers in more than 3,000 activities aimed at financial education.

On this occasion ASF launched website dedicated to financial literacy, which contains resources intended mainly for school-age children.

The website shows the basics of the instruments and mechanisms from the three markets regulated by ASF – insurance, capital market and private pensions. Visitors can access a dictionary of specific terms, a section where they can test their financial knowledge, helpful advice structured by age groups, or references to other external related links. Also, the website provides all teaching materials used in the financial education program developed by ASF.

For this project, 22 trainers from the Authority have given over 330 hours of classes for nearly 2,500 students, coming from 17 schools and high schools, both in Bucharest and in the country.

Further information of Global Money Week may be found here:

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