Generation GAP – news, trends and research

27 June 2018

How does Generation Y see life in 2086?

Nearly nine in 10 Millennials (88 percent) say people now in their 20s and 30s will need to work much longer than previous generations did to retire with the same level of financial security. Even if they do work for a longer period, 79 percent believe that by the time they reach 80 years old, comfortable retirement will be a thing of the past. At least 70 percent say that’s because it’s impossible to save as much money each year as prescribed by current retirement planning tools.

Millennials are at the center of changes being driven by technology and the employee/ employer social contract. Many entered the workforce during the economic downturn and struggled to launch their careers.The old assumptions about education, work and retirement no longer apply for themselves and their children.

Almost two-thirds of respondents agree that in the future "traditional full-time employment will largely disappear and freelancers  will make up 75 percent or more of the U.S. workforce". Most Millennials (72 percent) report being nervous that employers will stop providing healthcare and retirement benefits.

People will need to learn to work with and adapt to robots and artificial intelligence to do the job. Millennials are slowly finding their economic footing.

Most Millennials (63 percent) reported being extremely/ somewhat nervous that they are heading in a direction in which wealth will be calculated based on one"s personal data digital possessions, and other forms of value - not just money and "traditional investments". And 71 percent say it's likely that the next generation will live in a world without cash.

Note: The present material represents a review of the study which may be accessed on Prudential website.

Cigna launches ‘Answers’ skill for Amazon Alexa

Cigna, a global health service company, has entered the voice control space with the launch of "Answer by Cigna" skill for Amazon Alexa. Cigna is the first global health service company to offer a skill aimed at personalizing and simplifing health benefits information.The new hands-free skill is designed to demystify language about health care by providing instant and easy-to-understand answers to more than 150 commonly-asked health care questions.

Although most Americans have a strong understanding of the primary need for life insurance within their financial strategy-particularly the death benefit that provides monies to family/ loved ones upon death of the insured - many are unaware of the additional living and tax benefits that may be available through permanent life insurance.

Noua platformă pentru examinări online

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