EIET Conference starts today

8 October 2015

On 8th of October, the EIET Conference on "Acquiring competence to protect consumer" starts at Novotel hotel, Lyon room. As part of EIET Conferences, the Romanian event is organized with the support of EFICERT (www.eficert.org).

With the new regulations like MIFID II and IDD the insurance markets are confronted with directives with an educational content. In the interest of consumer protection there are requirements for professional qualifications and for CPD. The educational systems in the European countries differ a lot from each other which make it challenging to define common standards. EIOPA got in the subject with the “Report on Good Supervisory Practices Regarding Knowledge and Ability Requirements for Distributors of Insurance Products” (EIOPA BoS-13/172) and strives to regulate educational concerns.
The national institutes for professional insurance education of most of the member organisations of Insurance Europe meet once a year to share the development in regulation and education, exchange the experience and find common standards for knowledge, skills and competences on defined levels for the insurance distribution.
This year’s Conference „ACQUIRING COMPETENCE TO PROTECT THE CUSTOMER” will discuss about the opportunities and challengies brought by the implementation of Insurance Distribution Directive in the area of financial services.
The event is organized by the Institute of Financial Studies on 8th and 9th of October in Bucharest, Romania, with the support of EFICERT  (European organization of national institutes for insurance education) and is aimed at bringing together representatives of national insurance institutes from different European countries with the purpose of exchanging ideas and developing common ground in the educational issues.
Some important personalities will join the event:

  • Mr. Misu Negritoiu, President of Financial Supervisory Authority
  • Mr. Nicolae Postavaru, President of National Authority for Qualifications
  • Mr Vasile Secares PhD, President of Romanian Banking Institute


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