ECFS 15-16 martie 2018

19 January 2018

Between 15 -16th of March 2018 there will be organized the 2nd European Conference on Financial Services (ECFS 2018) at Brasov, as an initiative of The Institute of Financial Studies, „Petru Maior” University, The Romanian Research Society for Private and Public Affairs, "Transilvania" University and The Bucharest University of Economic Studies. The conference is organized with the support of West University of Timisoara, Valahia University of Targoviste,  "Babeș - Bolyai" University, Romanian Association for Law and European Affairs (RALEA), Center for Arbitration and Mediation in Insurance (ACAMA) and National Institute of Internal Control (INCIR).

The Conference proposes to debate several topics, which is why it is structured in eight panels of discussions divided in two days.

The topics presented below will be held by finances and law professionals, capital market and private insurances and pensions practitioners, along with academics and researchers from financial services field both from Romania and abroad:

  • Impact of the most recent European legislative implementation in financial matter.
  • Alternative resolution of financial disputes.
  • GDPR impact for the suppliers of financial services.
  • Trends in insurance intermediation (panel organized with the support of PRBAR).
  • Challenges on the capital market.
  • Legal in the financial markets.
  • Life insurance, private pensions - alternatives to diversify employee benefits.
  • Internal control in the financial sector.

Thus, we are pleased to announce the first Call for Papers for articles that will be presented at the Conference on the above topics.

All the papers will be sent electronically by e-mail to, by 20th of February 2018, both in Romanian and English. The proposed articles must be according to the drafting rules.

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